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Comment from a walker on the South Loch Ness Trail:-

I did the SLNT in September with friends. This was a sponsored charity walk over two days. I found navigation from north to south tricky in places but realised the other direction would be easier both physically and to navigate (due the lie of the land. I'd love to know the story of the Fair Haired Lads Pass

This walk has everything woodland, forest, moor, history.... Thanks for all your work.

South Loch Ness Booklet

There is a really good little book available for just £2.99 that gives great info on the South side of Loch Ness and you can buy it with Paypal by using the following link


If you want to read further about the area, the gold standard is Alan Lawson's book "A country called Stratherrick" and this can be got from the South Loch Ness Heritage Group.



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